
Roots and Wings

We just finished celebrating our youngest son’s graduation from CSU. He finished his accounting degree and now we are in the process of packing him up to start his new job in DC. Holy cow! Wasn’t he just starting kindergarten five minutes ago?

I know the term “commencement” means a beginning or a start… so why do I feel like something is ending? Maybe it’s because, unlike sending him off to college, he won’t be coming home to live during the summer or occasionally dropping in with piles of dirty laundry. Instead, Adam will be standing on his own two feet – this is the moment we’ve been preparing for his entire life.

Of course, I’ve been buying a lot of “stuff” for Adam’s new apartment, but I know deep down that there are only two lasting things we can hope to give our children: one is roots and the other is wings. And while I’m sad to see him go, I have no doubt that he is well grounded and ready to soar – prepared to take risks, learn from his mistakes, and realize his potential. Isn’t that what we all want for our kids? It’s certainly, what Junior Achievement wants for our students.

With the help of volunteer role models and partners like you, JA is equipping young people with the confidence and tools to manage risk effectively, solve problems creatively, and seize opportunity. Together, we are working to give our region’s youth the hope to see a bright future and the skills to answer the demands of the 21st century economy. As for the laundry – they’re on their own! 🙂