
9Who Care Award Recipient & JA Volunteer: Leroy Holm

When Leroy Holm was asked sixteen years ago if he wanted to be a JA Volunteer he raised his hand and said “yes.” And he has been volunteering with JA ever since! As a volunteer he has taught in more than 50 classes and impacted hundreds of kids in Weld and Larimer Counties. When asked what keeps him volunteering with JA Leroy without hesitation says, “the kids.”

Leroy lights up the room when he teaches and engages all the students in the classroom and gives positive feedback for their participation. Leroy has partnered with teacher, Tara Phillips, at Monfort Elementary school and has volunteered in her classroom for 13 years. Ms. Phillips and her students always look forward to Leroy’s visits.

Leroy works full time at Weld County Garage as a car salesman and says, “I’ve never met a stranger.” Weld County Garage owner and JA Board Member, Warren Yoder, fully supports Leroy’s volunteer efforts and says that Leroy makes a great JA volunteer because he loves the kids and they love having him in the classroom. “Leroy understands the kids really want to learn and he wants kids to have the opportunity to know what JA teaches.”

Recently, Leroy was honored as the 9Who Care award recipient from 9News. A former colleague from Weld County Garage nominated Leroy for the 9News award. Warren Yoder adds, “Leroy truly has a heart for helping kids, giving of his time, and wants to be a positive influence in people’s lives.” Leroy plans to continue volunteer with Junior Achievement for a long time into the future.